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Local Keyword Research Tools – An Overview

Local SEO is becoming spot light in internet marketing industry. The trend towards Local search is growing steadily and within last couple of years we can witness more enhanced local search results from all major search engines including big brother Google. Google in particular has been embedding these “Maps” inside their search pages as part of their Universal Search results. This has opened new opportunities for local businesses and requires different techniques, from organic SEO, to get exposure there.

Keyword research for Local SEO again plays vital role in Local Search Engine Optimization. Earlier it was very difficult to finalize / brainstorm the keywords for specific regions as these keywords would relatively return no search volume compared with the root keywords. Google trends, which was introduced earlier does not show enough data I believe. The search for the keyword “Auto Repair NY” does not provide any significant data in Google trends. but when the same keyword is searched through Google insights search which we are going to explore today, will provide pretty impressive data.

In local business the users don’t search with one single key phrase, instead they would search with multiple variations. For example, Auto Repair, Car Repair, Vehicle Repair and combinations with locations Auto Repair NY, Auto Repair New York, Auto Repair NY City etc. Google insights search comes in handy when one looks to analyze such data / look to optimize the local trend.

The above examples shows us clear picture on the points discussed. Google Insights allows one to submit a keyword such as “Auto Repair”, and then drill down to see the relative search volume for it by country, states, and major cities. This feature is particularly important for local search optimization, because average searcher behavior across the country changes by regions. For instance, most searchers across the Colorado search for “Bicycles” more compared with cycles. However, in North Carolina, the searchers are slightly different and opt for the term “Cycles”.

The below two screen shots should explain the above theory in detail.

Geographic targeting is a very common method used for local PPC advertising campaign. Paid local search advertising is expected to remain the fastest growing segment of local online advertising. There are few tools available which good derive pretty good long list of keywords that can be optimized with when you feed them with keywords and zip codes. However this will not give you a clear idea on which keyword is best over another as like Google insight search.

Local PPC Adwords & Keywords List Creator is a good selection for generating long list of keywords. Another tool is Local Keyword Research Tool. You can use these Local Keyword Research Tools to get new keyword ideas. These tools will help you generate ideas for keywords/search terms that you want your website to rank for.

Good keyword research requires imagination on how users search behavior would be along with the experience in the field. Do you work on any other keyword tools for local search optimization? Please share with us.

Disclaimer: The post is completely based on individual thoughts and SEO Services Group bears no responsibilities for the thoughts reflected in the post.

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