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Creating UTM Codes and Analyzing SEO Success Using These Codes

Any marketer who deals with digital marketing platforms should know how to assess the impact of their efforts through proper analytics and not a mere guess. You should dig down to know where all the leads are coming from in order to assess which strategies work and which are not. The business marketers have very limited time to sit around and do the analysis when it comes to real-time marketing. This is the reason why UTM codes exist and act as a handy tool for marketers. These are little snippets of codes which will enable excellent marketing analytics with inferable statistics.

What is UTM code?

A UTM code is a snippet of code added to the URL which enables tracking of the visits to that URL from social media, emails, and other sources. These stats become handy when you are planning to try and test various promotional methods to fine-tune your online marketing strategies. However, there is no such defined time to use the UTM codes; it is more like a tool which allows the marketers to do many things at a time.

As you now have an overview of UTM codes, let’s check an example of how to set it up. Further, we will discuss a step-by-step approach to setting up UTM parameters at:

  • HubSpot, and
  • Google Analytics.

For other essentials of UTM set up, you can also visit Siteimprove.com

Tracking UTM Codes at HubSpot

Step #1) Set up the codes

  • You can access the HubSpot dashboard and go to ‘Reports, to choose ‘Reports Home.’
  • At Reports Home’, you can select the option ‘Tracking URL Builder’ which is seen at the right bottom of the page.
  • Next click on the ‘Create New Tracking URL’ at the right top corner.
  • Enter the URL, Source, Campaign, Medium fields. If you plan to add Term and Content, then access ‘More Options’ next to the Medium field and enter those details.
  • Once completed, click on the ‘Generate’ tab.

Step #2) Use a shortened link for your marketing

Step #3) Track your success

You can track the UTM parameters at the Sources Report by accessing it beneath the ‘Other Campaigns.’ Just click on each campaign you set to get a detailed break down of medium and source.

Tracking UTM Codes using Google Analytics

Step #1) Setting up the UTM Codes

You can use the URL Builder to add the URL, Source, Campaign, and the Medium info into the corresponding fields.

Step #2) Use this link at your marketing

You can shorten the link using applications like bit.ly, or you can use the HubSpot URL Builder also if you are a user.

Step #3) Measure the success

If Google Analytics is already set up, then Google may track the incoming campaigns automatically. Like as we have seen above in HubSpot, you can access it under ‘Audience,’ ‘Sources,’ and ‘Campaigns.’ You may click on the corresponding campaign to view the medium and source.

Through the above steps, you can get codes for custom tracking up and running with ease. In a few days, you can come up with your case studies as to what you need based on the available metrics and make necessary rearrangements of your digital campaigns.

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