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Google Instant Search – Experts View

Google has announced Google Instant recently, a new search enhancement where people can gets relevant results displayed before completing the query. We know that Google provides auto suggestions while typing a query. Now it has become more advanced by Google Instant providing range of possible queries in drop-down box and when a particular suggestion is selected the relevant results are displayed all before you ever hit the “Search” button.

Google estimates that Google Instant can save people an average of 2-5 seconds per search.
Even when user are not determined about their search these suggestion guides them and the top suggestion is shown in grey text direcly in search box and also provides instant results before typing full search term.

Google Instant Results:



The queries that are illegal or offensive does not work in Google Instant which instead leads you into generic search results by displaying “Press Enter to search”.

Google Instant can be turned on/off by clicking the “Instant is on/off” link available next to the search box or by using “Use Google Instant/Do not use Google Instant” option in preferences page.

Google Turn On/Off Options:

  • Instant

  • Preferences

Matt Cutt says

A key insight behind Google Instant is that if we want to get people answers and solve their problems faster, we can help with that by improving our UI to help you formulate queries more quickly (and then doing a bunch of hard work under the hood to answer that query too). Google typically returns search results in milliseconds, but it takes several seconds for you to type a query. In other words, the limiting factor on a typical search is you. With predictive search and instant results, you can often get the answer you want much faster. Read More>>

Techcrunch View:

Google Instant is really about showing you more search results. And this will have very interesting implications for consumers expectations of what they want from search, search market share, and how sites try to game search through SEO tactics. SEO (Search engine optimization) will change as well. Sites will need to optimize for particular letter combinations, not just entire keywords. It will be interesting to see whether results get spammed or if Google will gain the upperhand in this constant cat and mouse game. Read more>>

Econsultancy View:

Google Instant, which predicts users’ search queries and delivers results as they’re typing. While it will make search faster, not everyone is excited about this new feature. Some, in fact, are worried it will kill SEO and harm paid search advertising results. Faster recall of results won’t eliminate the art and science of SEO. But it could change the way words are prioritized in headlines. Read More>>

And also click to know the search experts view about Google Instant.

Analyze Google Instant through our Google Analytics Filter:
When you type a query in Google instant it provides suggestions and when a particular suggestion is clicked then this suggested query is passed in the referring URL and this is what will show up in your keywords report in analytics. Google pads some extra parameter with its query string, to set up Google Analytics filter to track Google Instant keywords check here.

Google launched this feature in order to increase its user-friendliness but with this feature you can expect some changes in AdWords impression campaigns. It also can improve the traffic via organic SERP as well with certain limits. Every user going to enjoy this feature and for SEO’s like us, have to wait to see the outcome of this.

Disclaimer: The post is completely based on individual thoughts and SEO Services Group bears no responsibilities for the thoughts reflected in the post.

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