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Link Building Success For New Websites Depend on Effective Link Requests

There is one thing common about different link building strategies – you must send out a request for acquiring links. This is the most basic method of link acquisition that still works provided you know the right ways of doing it. Sending out a request might be easy, but it is not that easy to get links. The request you send out might get lost in the crowd of e-mails of the recipient. It might also happen that the recipient does not find enough reason to be interested and simply ignore it. At times, you might get a response politely declining your request. The problem stems from the fact that the request is just too banal and fails to elicit the desired response. Knowing how to create the most effective link request for new websites is the topic of discussion of this article.

Step into the shoes of site owners

It will be too much simplification to think that only good sites receive quality backlinks. There are plenty of websites that are not so good yet are rich in back links. They know the right way of pitching for links and this is the secret of their success. Similarly, you will come across excellent websites that are unable to emulate this feat, as they fail to frame link requests that work. When you send out a link request, place yourself in the shoes of the site owner you approach. You must understand what interests the site owners and whether it matches with some of your interests. Only when some common interests are prevailing that you can expect link sharing.

Focus on the benefits that the site owner gets

It is imperative that since you are requesting links, you want to give the best links. Providing back links is no work of charity, and it must be beneficial for site owners who provide it. Instead of sending out a clear and straightforward request for links, any SEO agency will tell you to frame the request in such way so that it highlights the potential benefit the site owner is likely to receive from the exchange. You must ensure that you communicate to the link provides some essential information through the request – the site is legitimate, it has well-written and detailed content and above all, it is relevant to the site from where you are requesting link.

Content must be relevant to the link given

Unless the site owner finds interest in your content, why should he be eager to link with you? The site owner will take an interest in content that is relevant to him, hence meaningful. There is an invisible connection between your content and the content you intend to link to, and this is very important. Unless you can hint it in the link request, it will be difficult to draw the attention of the targeted website. The content that you link with must supplement each other, and the mutual benefit forms the ideal basis for link sharing.

Well-researched content

The content that you offer must be very comprehensive. You must create the content based on extensive homework and research so that useful and unique information finds a place in it that does the interesting reading. The length of the content is an indicator of its quality, but it is not the only aspect to judge the quality. It is possible to create lengthy content that is nothing more than trash. However, when you are creating long-form content, you can hardly manage to do it without enough detailing. This is the reason that great content resembles good quality. Long and detailed content earns more links, helps to rank well in search results and readers like it too.

Well -written content

There need to be a proper understanding of what it means by well-written content. The content must be easy to read, without any grammatical mistakes and spelling errors and it must have a clear message for readers that they understand very clearly. The content must make meaning in the first reading that increases its attraction. The writing style must be simple yet attractive, and there must be something unique in it that readers consider as a valuable resource. Follow the same principle of communication in case you are using images and videos as content.

Legitimate entity

As a link seeker, you have the responsibility of establishing the legitimacy of your website to the sites you want to link to. The best thing is to link to social profiles to add credibility to your online entity that becomes trustworthy. The purpose must be to gain the confidence of the site owner right from the time they view your request so that it becomes easy to make them move in your favor.
The bottom line is to create top quality content that paves the way for the rewards you expect.

About the Author:

Steve Davis is the founder and CEO of a London-based SEO agency that also promotes content marketing. He is very active on the social media especially Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. His attraction for photography often drives him away to faraway places.

Filed Under Guest Post, Link Building

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