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Reasons Why AI Will Produce Better Results In Future SEO

When it comes to content marketing, there is nothing more important than AI or Artificial Intelligence that will produce better SEO in the future. There are several good reasons for it and one such is the technological innovation that presents new challenges to overcome. Across all industries advances in artificial intelligence will play a significant role in content marketing due to the fact that the self-teaching algorithms have made SEO or the search engine optimization more abstract.

It is difficult to master these algorithms and therefore in the future you will find it extremely hard to rank better amongst the search engines and to attract an audience. Therefore, you will not be able to gain customers as desired with your content marketing.

However, as innovation brings newer challenges, it also brings more fantastic opportunities for those people who are ready to evolve along with it and learn useful ways to harness the latest technology.

Therefore, by the time AI takes over SEO strategy altogether, it is prudent that you be well prepared for that day, starting today. For that, first, you will need to understand how artificial intelligence will shape the new SEO landscape.

Minds of their Own

It is said that within the next couple of years, computers and different programs will have a mind of their own. Similarly, the search engines are also evolving and moving towards that direction. To know about it more you will need to start from the beginning.

  • For decades, Google, as well as its competitors, have based their ranking strategy on rule-based logic. This is a very complex feature due to the hard-coded rules. This means, the primary job of an SEO expert today is to find these rules and exploit it to the maximum. Apart from that, there are other implications as well.
  • There are keyword hacks and then these required backlinking. Though not all these exploits are bad, it needs professional expertise to succeed in these.
  • It is also required by the search engines that you create content that will generate a lot of legitimate and authoritative backlinks. This will ensure that you create valuable contents that the readers will want to see.
  • To make the algorithm and updates of Google work for the marketers, it is important to create websites and include content that will line up with the way just as the search engine wants it to be.

However, in the early 2010s, this started to slow down and the entire SEO industry was shocked and worried. It got worse in 2015 when Google announced that replacement will not be a public persona. This implied the beginning of the end of an era of moderate transparency from this popular search engine.

Google still makes major announcements such as their switch to mobile-first indexing but strangely enough, they are found to be very tight-lipped otherwise when it comes to their algorithm updates. You will be surprised that sometimes this happens even for about 3 times every day.

The Insiders Reports

RankBrain is the key element in this algorithm but as per the reports from the Google insiders, most people do not know what it is doing or how it is affecting and generating search engine results. The most factual and reasonable conclusion of this fact is that SEO now has become more of an art than science.

This is the common scene not only with Google but across all search engines. In 2013, the Facebook Pages experienced that their organic reach is also plummeting as well. Most experts warned early in 2014 that this metric may eventually trend toward zero but sadly most people did not care for such warnings until it became a reality.

While such a scenario has made the jobs of ecomm seo Adelaide a bit harder, it has actually provided a golden opportunity to the marketers. Their investment in artificial intelligence and machine learning has ultimately provided the customers with a better user experience making them happier in many different ways such as:

  • These platforms have become more effective and therefore you can now expect the results that will drive to match.
  • Useful features such as private search results will draw more qualified traffic.

You will be able to create contents that will help you to speak and establish a contact directly with your audience instead of creating contents with mass appeal just for the sake of better search ranking.

Uses of AI in Content Creation

AI can be used in many different ways to create better and more appealing content that will also help you to develop a better marketing strategy. In the end, you will be able to leverage dynamic hyper-personalization and at the same time know the direction to which it is heading.

When it comes to the fact whether AI can be used to create better contents, the apprehension is nullified with the last year’s survey report of more than 350 AI experts.

  • These experts believed that AI is so powerful that it can even write a passable essay for the high school by 2026 looking at the way and pace it is developing.
  • Add to that, the researchers also believed that AI with further developmental features will be able to write a New York Times bestseller by the year 2049.
  • Add to that, hardly two years ago, Gartner predicted that by 2018 almost 20% of all business contents will be authored by the machines.
  • As a matter of fact, the Associated Press published thousands of articles and stories that are completely automated since 2015.

Therefore, if you are skeptical about computers and think that AI cannot really write effective and emotive contents right now, you may be right to some extent as it is not quite there yet. That means, till date the best content is still written by humans, at least in part.

However, AI is not very far from it because there are already a few tools already built in the fundamental AI technology that is helping in content creation. These tools are Machine Learning and NLP or Natural Language Processing, Grammarly and spell checker.

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