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App Marketing using Twitter

As we all know that twitter is a micro blogging platform which allows you to publish short messages of less than 140 characters through different mediums like IM, cellphones and the web. Even today twitter can be seen as marketing or traffic generation tool. The placement of links within profiles and conversations may bring direct visitors. Some of these methods and practices go beyond the twitter as a micro blogging platform.

Find Customers. Twitter can be used as a means to find potential customers online. Do a search for keywords related to your product or people on Twitter Search and then follow users. Tweet about topics parallel to your product this will in turn increase the visibility for a particular product or app.

Direct traffic. Twitter can be used to get traffic to your websites or the sites of friends. We can ask our friends to tweet about the product or the app, the message will spread faster as other users may pick it up. By tweeting continuously about the single app, there is chance for spreading the news in viral nature.

Branding. Twitter is a social media platform, it can also be used for branding the particular product or app. It has the primary benefit of establishing the product or app that is connected and approachable.

Inform Customers.Set up a Twitter feed for the specific purpose of notifying customers when new products or app features come in. Provide option for subscribing feed via mobile or RSS. By this way you can maintain the credibility among your customers.

Acquire Feedback.You can provide links you have submitted about the product or app features in other social networking sites like Digg, Squidoo. Sometimes the followers will write feedback because they are agree with it. This allows us to bring more visibility or credibility among the prospective customers.

Twitter has its own potential to market the products online and increase the direct traffic. If we follow some of the best practices available we can increase the traffic as well as the sales for a particular product or an app.

Disclaimer:The post is completely based on individual thoughts and SEO Services Group bears no responsibilities for the thoughts reflected in the post

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