If you are still thinking of developing your Mobile website then I would say “Better Late than Never”. The below graph will clearly explains the stats taken Neilson Research on Mobile Internet Users Penetration across 16 countries in Q1, 2008.

40 million US mobile subscribers (15.6 percent) actively use the mobile Internet, making the US a leader in mobile Internet adoption. In UK there were a total of 7.4 million mobile internet users which corresponds to 12% of all mobile phone users.
For Indian Mobile users there was a recent article from Economic Times which states that over a fifth of India’s 200 million-plus mobile subscribers use their mobile phones to log in to their favorite websites.
This should have clearly explained you the increase in the mobile web usage in 2008 and I’m sure that this will double in this year. More people have started developing their website with mobile compatibility and they go with a new domain/subdomain/.mobi extension for their websites.
The Mobile Search market have started increasing and Google extending its dominance in the Mobile Search Market too.

With my experience in the Mobile Market I find that the market is getting competitive, previously we use to rank for competitive search terms easily but now it is not the case.
Watch out for more post on Mobile SEO
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