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Link Reclamation – Learn About its Features and Benefits

In order to regain the value of link then the individual has to invest a little bit of extra effort in the search. If you are removing the page from the official website or changing URLs from the website during overhaul, then you have to fix broken likes. It isn’t an easy task because the individual has to put additional efforts in the SEO techniques. To retain the value of old links than 301 redirects would be a reliable option for you because it will give you the value of inbound links with ease.

Link Reclamation

Link reclamation has become a particular project that will give you the value of a full link. If you are choosing the reclamation process, then it will automatically fix the broken links on an official website. Most of the people are facing link reclamation problem due to the following reasons such as

  • If the content is completely removed from the official website
  • When you are redesigning the website
  • URLs are completely changed

To avoid complicated problems, most of the link builders are making the use of technical SEO because you can easily fix the broken links of the website with ease. Following are the important details related to the link reclamation.

1. Create a Particular Sheet

Make a new spreadsheet where you should add old URLs with particular anchor text. If possible, then you must add new links and information about broken links. If you want to fix the internal links related problems, then you can change everything manually. Like, visit on the official website and replace the new URL with a broken link.

To find the particular location of broken links then make the use of tools like Ahrefs that will provide you details related to the broken links. In order to fix broken links permanently then 301 redirects and link reclamation project would be an ideal option for you. Nothing is better than a direct link because it is valuable than others.

To fix the broken links then you have to wait for a few weeks because the link reclamation process will take a few days or weeks. In order to avoid broken links related problem then you should set the official website to redirect.

2. How to Reclaim Broken Links?

For a hassle-free experience, the individual has to figure out the missing pages on the official website. Run a particular URL that comes with a 404 status. Make the use of link building tool where you can easily access broken links and anchor text related details with ease. All you need to apply such technique for every missing page.

3. Eradicate 404 Errors

Cleaning up outbound links don’t require much effort because one can clean the poor links within a fraction of seconds from the official website. Make the use of Ahrefs because it will easily eliminate the redirects from the official website.

After completing the cleaning process, an individual should visit on the official website and analyze broken links carefully and the insert perfect links on the official website. If you have installed 301 redirects on the official website, then you can easily avail crucial details related to the broken links. Owner of the website can easily create more than 20 new links within 90 days that aren’t quite higher.

4. Mentions of Brand

To reclaim all the broken links then eradicate 404 errors from the official website. The individual has to remove the brand mentions which aren’t linked to the official website. Moreover, one can reclaim links from the images. Plenty of tools are out there like Tineye or other ones that will automatically discover the broken links and images of the website. You can easily avail vital images and brand content which is directly interlinked to the broken links. Reclaim process is quite easier than others.

5. Set up Redirects

Reclamation process is really beneficial because it will fix all the high-value broken links. Bear in mind that, you can reclaim a few links only. All things depend on the Age of links. Don’t reclaim old links because it isn’t responsive and valuable. Don’t use spammy links and make the use of informative links only because it will improve the ranking and visibility of an official website. For a better experience, an individual must set up 301 redirects on all the WebPages of the official website.

After that, you can easily avail the details of all broken links with ease. It is really beneficial to set up redirects on the pages of the official website because you will easily regain the valuable links on the official website.

Moreover, to improve the visibility of official website then the individual has to fix the broken links on the official website. It will automatically increase the ranking of an official website. Link reclamation is really one of the most important techniques that will easily clean up the lower value links from the official website. If you want to know more about link reclamation, then Craig Tuttle Marketing NYC SEO would be a great company for you. They will provide every detail related to the SEO.

Benefits of Link Reclamation

According to professionals, Link reclamation has become one of the best techniques which are improving the ROI of the official website. With the help of this technique, you will able to fix the broken link on the official website. All you need to set the 301 redirects on the official website. After that, you have to share high-quality links on the official website. If you are using in an effective manner, then you will get an instant return on their investment. The individual has to find the mentions from the official website. For better results, you should make the use of Google and search for the particular mentions. To improve the ranking of the website then expand your search and find URLs from another website. It can be a tempting task because you can easily attract more viewers to the official website.

Final Saying

Lastly, make sure that you aren’t copying titles of page and cache from SERP because it will damage the official website. All you need to add genuine links on the website only.

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