Home > Google > Google Rules Out Its New “Discussion & Nearby” Search Features

Google Rules Out Its New “Discussion & Nearby” Search Features

Google the search engine giant adds an another update “Discussion & Nearby” to its SERP in its “Show Options” feature. Google always curious to change something in their features in order to keep the users with them and also give a better search experience to the users. Let’s check out the effects of these new features in Google search results.

1) Google Discussion

Google’s previous show option feature contains “Forums” to retrieve what are the conversations going on a search topic. Google now changed it as “Discussions” with more features than the previous one.


Google Discussions Results for Hockey World Cup

Discussions again categorized as “Forums” and “Q&A”.

Google Discussions categorized as Forums and Q&A

Addition to this Google Provides an option to find out the length of the conversation going on by providing “Any Length”, “Short”, “Medium”, and “Long” categories.


 Length in Google Discussions

2) Google Nearby

And another updates is Google’s “Nearby” search. Google provides a Nearby feature in its show options panel that helps users to search geographically.

Nearby feature in Google SERP

When a click on Nearby is made it shows the SERP based on the query by Google’s default location. An additional option “Customized Location” gives user to specify their preferred location based search also. Google also provides a way to narrow down the search by adding City, Region and State options in the Nearby feature.

Customization in Google Nearby feature

These features from Google shows its intentions to make a more user friendly SERP by the way providing a detailed description about what the user is going to get when he/she clicks on a particular link from the Google SERP.

Of Course Google rocks!!!

Disclaimer: The post is completely based on individual thoughts and SEO Services Group bears no responsibilities for the thoughts reflected in the post.

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One comment on “Google Rules Out Its New “Discussion & Nearby” Search Features
  1. Tyron says:

    Sometime I hate Google for being one of the best search engine..

    I dont even remember when was the last time I used yahoo or any other search engine. Will wait for the time

    when we will see everything real time…. Incuding Buzz, Fb updates and what ever u can think of..

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